Thursday, February 14, 2013

Appearing On Another Blogroll! And Thank You!

I would like to thank Steve Light, the author of the “Battlefield Back Stories” blog for adding The Picket to his blogroll. I am honored to be listed on such a fine site!

I actually found “Battlefield Back Stories” about six weeks ago and immediately placed it on my blogroll. It usually takes me a while to “size up” a blog but this one took no time at all!

For those of you who have not found it yet, I encourage you to click his link in my blogroll, especially if you enjoy reading and studying the Battle of Gettysburg. Mr. Light focuses on the battle, and as the name implies, the Back Stories of the men who fought there. It tells their story in relation to the larger scheme of the battle, and they are the focal point of the story. It is quite a refreshing change to see the individual brought to the fore, and the generals, strategies, and statistics are pushed to the background. That does not mean it will be of little interest to the hard core aficionado or scholar. The stories are always set in context which enables the reader to follow the battle in the larger sense if they so desire. Mr. Light also gives news of events that are happening today, but this is a secondary concern. I would also like to say that it is not a “morning coffee” blog. It does get involved at times, so with this one you should allow yourself some time to enjoy it. Lunch, perhaps?

Since I found this blog too late for inclusion on my last Blogroll Update post, I hereby give official notice and review of this fine blog. Longtime readers will know that this is not a “trade” just because I was added to the Battlefield Back Stories list. I
regularly call attention to the blogs on my roll and this is nothing unusual. It will be a while before the next update though so to thank him I bumped it up a few months.
Here at The Picket, plans are in the works for quite a major undertaking. I am going to try and highlight some of the Indiana regiments service, infantry and cavalry, during the Civil War. If anyone knows of good sources for the artillery, please let me know. I would like to include them as well. I have been working on the Third Cavalry, Sixth and Twenty- fifth infantry. There is a lot of work finding sources so this project may never see the light of day. You never know. I am also going to focus in on the Carolina's for a post or two especially late '62 early '63. And the usual stuff will continue. Monthly installments of Other News, poetry, and interesting individuals will still make an appearance. And Adam Rankin Johnson is about due for another post!
Writing for school tends to take time away from the blog, and I work for a living, so the frequency of posts is slipping somewhat. I am still here though, so bear with me and stay tuned!
Check out Battlefield Back Stories!
The Picket

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